Gate Slides, Diverters & Loading Spouts

Gate Valves
Gate valves are ideal for handling dry bulk material in gravity flow, dilute phase or dense phase pneumatic conveying applications. They are available in a wide variety of configurations including size and customer specific hole patterns. Enge Plas provide a solution here for you specifically engineered to handle dry bulk powders, pellets and granules.
Diverter Valves
Ideal for handling dry bulk material in gravity flow, dilute phase or dense phase pneumatic conveying applications. Diverter valves are flow direct bulk material into 2 or more different destinations. Enge Plas’ range of diverters are designed and engineered to extend the service life of the valve and perform maintenance without taking the valve out of line. Our valves serve many industries including chemical, cement, coal, food, frac sand, grain, minerals, petrochemical, pharmaceutical, plastics, polymer, rubber and mining. We supply certified solutions for requirements regarding flameproof design and ATEX conformity.
Loading Spouts
Loading Spouts provide an efficient way to load bulk material into vessels. Vessels can be trucks, railcars, tank vehicles, ships, barges, and stockpiling. They are also used to filling bags, drums and flexible bulk containers. Materials include petrochemical powders, plastic granules, wood pellets, grains, cement, sand or gravel. Our loading spouts apply in normal, abrasive, corrosive, combustible and hazardous environments. They can capture fugitive dust and prevent material waste. This ensures plant and environmental safety, with low maintenance and service expenses. Enge Plas offers a complete line of versatile loading systems for any applications. We supply retractable loading spouts attached to the bottom of a silo/hopper. Or located at the end of an air conveying system. Or to the dust collecting filter system or the loading spout positioner. Useful accessories include spout filtration systems, spout positioners and aeration systems.
Gate Slides, Diverters & Loading Spouts Photo Gallery